5 Ways to Boost Your Cognitive Functions

In Part 1, we explained the different cognitive functions and what neurotransmitters are essential to make them happen. Now, let’s talk about some strategies to help keep your cognitive functions in tip-top shape
Get Enough Shut Eye

Getting enough high-quality sleep is critical to support optimal cognitive functioning, and it can even enhance your performance beyond normal conditions.
Sleep is critical to:
- Consolidate your memories – also leading to better learning and decision-making
- Maintain focus and attention
- Facilitate language processing
In a literature review exploring the link between sleep and cognitive function, researchers highlighted that sleep not only strengthens our memories but also helps us to gain insights and make connections in large amounts of information.
Sleep also helps protect your brain. Think of sleep as the housekeeper of your brain. While you sleep, your brain resets inflammation and neurotransmitter receptors, allowing them to rest and regain sensitivity for during the day.
In Part 1, we talked about neuroplasticity and all of the new synaptic connections that can be made throughout the day. Sleep helps refine these synapses by eliminating excess ones to make them more efficient.
How much sleep is enough to preserve your cognitive functions? A study of 4,417 adults studied the effects of sleep on cognitive function. Those participants who slept less than six hours per night or more than nine hours per night had worse cognitive function than those who slept between seven and eight hours per night.
Ideally, you should aim for seven to eight hours per night. Check out this article to learn all about The Stages of Sleep and Why You Need All of Them for Health and Cognitive Function.
Stay Curious and Exercise Your Brain
Curiosity is the basis of our cognitive function. It’s what drives motivation and pushes us to learn more about the world around us. You learn better when you are curious about something. Your hippocampus becomes active when you are curious in anticipation of learning and helps strengthen your memory.
Curiosity drives you to learn more and learn things more thoroughly. While researchers are just beginning to explore how curiosity boosts cognitive function, they believe it’s highly promising.
Some strategies to stay curious include:
- Ask questions, constantly
- When you are curious about something, go down that rabbit hole
- Listen actively to the people around you
- Looks at the things around you rather than your phone
- Memorize facts and information
- Rather than focusing on being right in a conversation, focus on understanding.

Staying active and engaging in physical exercise promotes healthy cognitive function and well-being. It also improves your neuroplasticity which increases your ability to make new connections.
Critical to brain health are neurotrophins, which help your neurons survive and grow and are critical for the proper development of your nervous system. Some of the most important ones are:
- Nerve growth factor (NGF): essential for the development and maintenance of sympathetic and sensory neurons
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): initiates neuron growth and is essential for learning and memory
- Neurotrophin-3: promotes the differentiation of neurons into various types of neurons
- Neurotrophin-4: augments the serotonin, dopamine, and GABA systems
The release of BDNF, in particular, increases with exercise. This means that when you get active, you are boosting your cognitive functions.
A study of 128,925 individuals explored the connection between physical activity and cognitive decline. Subjects who were less active experienced a more significant reduction in cognitive health. In fact, cognitive decline was twice as common in those who were inactive compared to those who stayed physically active.
Getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week can help boost your cognitive function.
Beyond lifestyle changes, adding brain-boosting supplements to your daily routine will help keep your brain sharp.
CollaGenius is an exciting blend of five superfoods, including four types of mushrooms and collagen.
Collagen helps improve brain structure and cognitive language function. In a study of 30 healthy adults, participants took five grams of collagen daily for four weeks. Participants experienced improved brain structure and cognitive function.
Scientists recognize many mushrooms for their medicinal properties and many have been in use for thousands of years. As you age, you naturally experience neuron death and, with that, a loss in cognitive function. Medicinal mushrooms can support neuron growth and survival as well as neuroplasticity.
Lion’s mane is the star of the show in this mushroom blend. A literature review exploring the benefits of mushrooms on cognitive function highlights the effects of this mushroom. Researchers determined that lion’s mane may:
- Reduce cell death
- Act as a neuroprotector
- Improve cognitive impairment
- Promote nerve growth
You can get all these health benefits and much more by taking CollaGenius daily.
Magnesium plays a critical role in your central nervous system by regulating NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors in your brain. The health of these receptors is vital for fast neuron firing, neuroplasticity, and preventing neurodegeneration.
Magnesium may also support oxidative stress and neuroinflammation balances, which can affect your cognitive function.
A study of 2,508 individuals explored the connection between magnesium intake and cognition. The more magnesium individuals took, the higher their cognitive score. The highest cognitive scores were those who took over 400 mg of magnesium daily.
You can get an excellent source of magnesium with Magnesium Breakthrough. It contains all seven forms of magnesium to ensure you’ve got your bases covered and can optimally support your cognitive function.
Probiotics aren’t just for gut health. They can be excellent cognitive support as well! Your gut has a direct connection to your brain and vice versa, called the gut-brain-microbiota axis. Your gut can produce neurotransmitters that affect your cognitive function.
A literature review of 30 studies set out to explore the effects of probiotics on cognitive function. The majority of studies demonstrated an improvement in at least one cognitive function. Probiotics may protect against stress-induced cognitive decline and enhance cognitive functioning.
Some probiotic strains highlighted by the study include:
- Lactobacillus
- Bifidobacterium
- Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) – This strain was particularly highlighted for restoring cognitive function in impaired patients. It also survives well and colonizes the digestive tract more easily than other probiotics.
CogniBiotics contains not only the probiotics mentioned above but also a powerful blend of 17 herbs known to support your mood and enhance cognitive function. CogniBiotics is the only probiotic-nootropic blend on the market that improves the entire gut-brain-microbiota axis.
The Chinese herbs included in this blend, like Polygonum multiflorum, Salvia miltiorrhiza, and Rehmannia glutinosa, can help increase neurotransmitter acetylcholine levels while also protecting your neurons against oxidative stress and improve neurotransmitter balance.
Digestive Support
We already mentioned the importance of the gut-brain-microbiota axis. When you experience gut dysbiosis, an imbalance in your gut microbiome, you are more likely to struggle with learning and long-term memory. Taking digestive enzymes can help balance your gut microbiome and energy metabolism, improving your brain health.
When you take digestive enzymes, they break down your food to prevent partially digested foods from crossing the lining of your intestines. Many healthy people get some minor inflammation from foods, which can interfere with optimal cognitive functions.
An excellent source of brain-boosting enzymes is kApex. It contains a blend of digestive enzymes designed to break down fats and proteins while improving your energy and cognitive function.
A literature review exploring nootropics as cognitive enhancers determined they can successfully improve cognitive function, especially when there is a deficiency present. The positive effects of nootropics build over time, and with rare side effects, they are a great tool to turn to.
You can find the perfect nootropic formula or stack personalized to boost your brain power with Nootopia. Taking just a five-minute quiz can help determine what neurotransmitter support you need most. Expertly designed formulas focus on what you want to improve, like:
- NectarX: designed to stimulate brain cells and support healthy functions of serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine
- Ultimate Focus: works to optimize your dopamine levels to keep you motivated and focused
- GABAlicious: supports healthy GABA levels and increases your verbal fluency while simultaneously calming you down
- Zamner Juice: expands your mind to see new possibilities by supporting healthy dopamine, serotonin, and GABA functions
- Brain Flow: optimizes your serotonin, dopamine, and GABA production to boost your mental endurance and enhance your memory while keeping you focused
Stress Management and Support

Your cognitive functions can decrease when you’re stressed. A study of over 24,000 individuals explored the effects of stress on cognitive functions. When subjects experienced stress, their risk of cognitive decline increased, including their memory and attention
As part of your stress response, your body releases cortisol. A literature review examining the effects of cortisol on cognitive functions determined that higher cortisol levels lead to poor overall cognitive functioning and can cause faster age-related cognitive decline.
While you can’t completely eliminate stress from your life, you can take steps to manage your stress in healthy ways. Here are some research-backed strategies for stress reduction:
- Mindfulness
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Listening to music
- Spending time in nature
Adaptogen supplements such as Cognibiotics can also support a balanced stress response and may mitigate some negative health effects of stress.
Maintaining optimal cognitive functions is essential for you to carry out daily tasks effectively and be a superstar professionally. When you aren’t at your best, it affects your learning, memory, and ability to make good decisions and communicate effectively. To maintain or increase cognitive function, it’s essential to:
- Get high-quality sleep every night.
- Exercise regularly.
- Stay curious.
- Take brain-boosting supplements to keep you at your very best.
- Manage your stress with practices like mindfulness or yoga.
- Take this five-minute quiz to help determine what neurotransmitter support you need most.
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