What makes the Focus Lever so powerful is not just the molecules themselves, but the chemical shifts and reactions in your body.
One molecule helps you with multi-hour focus. Another boosts your alertness. And perhaps the most important molecule is the way dopamine becomes more bioavailable to you..
You’ve heard of dopamine, right? You may think it’s about euphoria, but there’s more you don’t know.
Dopamine goes beyond just enjoying yourself. Dopamine is the key brain chemical that determines your level of focus, excitement, motivation, and willingness to overcome obstacles to achieve your goal.
It also affects the transmission of numerous neurons simultaneously and is actually a neuromodulator, not a neurotransmitter.
Additionally, dopamine impacts time perception, desire, motivation, and appetites.
Possess All the Resources You Need
To Put The Tough Stuff In The Done Column
This formula’s “Focus Lever” is the ultimate way to restore dopaminergic activity.
This is your ideal state because our new breakthrough helps create the inspiration you need to show up, ready to fight the “procrastination villain.”
It takes discipline to get inspired, especially when the task is so ordinary…
But this formula creates an environment that activates your alertness, inspiration and motivation…
It removes the layer standing between you and success…
By eliminating your desire to procrastinate.
Your capacity to experience dopamine through motivation, instead of through reward, will hit new levels. [2]
Think of it like you’re trying to reach the highest summit of a mountain…
And your backpack is already filled with all of the resources you might need and it never runs out. So who invented this “Lever of Focus?”