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Discover the Power of the
“Neuro Lever of Focus”

In Just 45 Minutes, You Could
Obliterate Procrastination and
Become the Ultimate Finisher



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Do you morph into a zombie when completing your daily tasks, no matter how simple or easy?


Are you riding the energy roller coaster up and down because of artificial stimulants? 


Is your go-to move hitting snooze on your phone rather than feeling excited to start the day?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, then continue reading because I’ve got a breakthrough solution to share with you…

Does this “Neuro Lever of Focus” Actually Exist?

Yes it does exist. (Only after hundreds of tests and lab formulation experiments.) I’ll share all the details, the vital ingredients, and why it’s superior to today’s brain supplements in just a bit.

What’s important NOW is WHY are you not living your best, productive self?


The good news…this “failure to focus” and extreme procrastination aren’t your fault.

A unique blend of brain chemicals and neuro reactions form the “Neuro Lever of Focus.” While your body has these internal molecules to some degree what’s missing is the catalyst to unlock your full potential.

You’ll discover the “Neuro Focus Lever” helps you get off your butt and get things done. And feel damn good about doing so.

You’ll be able to sharpen your alertness and focus and enjoy the positive feelings that come from being a finisher.

Focus, motivation, drive, and life experience all rely on how much you tap into your “lever of focus.”

Do You Take Artificial Stimulants for a Quick “Boost” Only to Suffer from Jitters and Imploding Crashes?

If you do, you’re not alone. And let’s face it, you probably didn’t think any worthy natural alternatives even existed. 

But have you considered the real consequences of relying on artificial stimulants? 

Now, some people will try to gain a temporary boost with these stimulants. 

However,  it only lasts  a little while, and when they wear off, guess what happens?  You feel even worse than before. The problem? They release so much dopamine that it blunts your dopamine receptors. I’ll talk about why dopamine is so important a little later. 

And that’s just the half of it. Depending on the stimulant you could feel jittery from time to time. Don’t forget the inevitable crash once the stimulant wears off. 

There’s got to be a better way. A healthy, more natural way.  

There is.

But first, let’s take stock of the health of your “focus lever”…

The Warning Signs Your “Focus Lever”
is On Life Support…


When you are deficient in the key molecules that form the “Focus Lever” or have blunted dopamine receptors, life and work can spiral downward quickly. How many of these sound familiar?

  • The “drive" or motivation just isn’t there
  • Procrastination, sadly has become your middle name  
  • You feel totally worn out 
  • The ability to focus doesn't come easily, if at all
  • You feel unusually irritable or worried
  • The pleasure you used to feel  from enjoyable experiences disappears and it’s replaced by  feeling down and hopeless
  • It’s hard to fall asleep, or you sleep poorly [1]

Low molecule levels of this “Focus Lever”  typically result in low levels of success…

Making it extremely hard and taxing to do your job…

And being the best version of yourself seems constantly out of reach. 

Deficiencies in these molecules mostly have to do with basic genetics, and there is a way to fix this… 

But I’ll share a breakthrough solution in a few minutes. 

Now, on the other hand, with stable levels of these vital neurochemicals, you’re driven, focused, relaxed, and content.

So what is this “Focus Lever'' and how can it work for you?

The Master Molecules that Form Your “Focus Lever” Represent Life-Changing Power

What makes the Focus Lever so powerful is not just the molecules themselves, but the chemical shifts and reactions  in your body. 

One molecule helps you with multi-hour focus. Another boosts your alertness. And perhaps the most important molecule  is the way dopamine becomes more bioavailable to you..  

You’ve heard of dopamine, right?  You may think it’s about euphoria, but there’s more you don’t know. 

Dopamine goes beyond just enjoying yourself. Dopamine is the key brain chemical that determines your level of focus, excitement, motivation, and willingness to overcome obstacles to achieve your goal.

It also affects the transmission of numerous neurons simultaneously and is actually a neuromodulator, not a neurotransmitter. 

Additionally, dopamine impacts  time perception, desire, motivation, and appetites. 


Ideally, you activate varying levels at different times. When you constantly pursue activities you enjoy, your baseline dopamine increases with varying levels of duration.  

Many people fall prey to stimulants to temporarily increase dopamine. 

However, this complicates dopamine release overtime because your baseline and peak increase… 

Forcing your elevated experience to be short-lived.

Contrary to things like chocolate, sex, etc. all of which raise dopamine, there are subjective events that can increase dopamine based on satisfaction…

And we wanted to create a way to make those events even better.

Possess All the Resources You Need
To Put The Tough Stuff In The Done Column

This formula’s “Focus Lever” is  the ultimate way to restore dopaminergic activity. 

This is your ideal state  because our new breakthrough helps create the inspiration you need to show up, ready to fight the “procrastination villain.”

It takes discipline to get inspired, especially when the task is so ordinary…

But this formula creates an environment that activates your alertness,  inspiration and motivation…

It removes the layer standing between you and success…

By eliminating your desire to procrastinate.

Your capacity to experience dopamine through motivation, instead of through reward, will hit new levels. [2]

Think of it like you’re trying to reach the highest summit of a mountain…

And your backpack is already filled with all of the resources you might need and it never runs out. So who invented this “Lever of Focus?”

Meet the Jedi Master of Nootropic Brain Supplements


Mark Effinger, AKA: Mr. Noots, is the best brain chemist and formulator on the planet.

Mark, along with his growing lab team, have created the most powerful brain-enhancing nootropics available. He’s earned the nickname “Mr. Noots” because he’s the  trueJedi master of nootropics.  

Mr. Noots was born with a natural ability and passion for chemistry. He nearly blew up his family’s garage… at the age of 6 while doing experiments.  He’s been a chemistry wizard for over 50 years. 

As an adult, Mark became a founder and CEO of 18 different companies. He realized that the difference between success or failure ultimately came down to his brain.

So he applied his genius to the study of nootropics to uncover why brains break down. And more importantly, how to build them back up. Naturally.

Nootopia's Molecule Mastery Leads to Groundbreaking Formula Upgrades

Nootopia represents the next generation of nootropics.

Proof FACTS: 

  • Only the highest-grade raw ingredients are sourced
  • Each component is rigorously tested and potency-verified
  • The formulas are CLEAN and effective: ZERO artificial sweaters, chemical food colors, dyes, food stabilizers, and weird emulsifiers like xanthan gum

Nootopia has cracked the code on common nutritional deficits that limit your brain function. We've also balanced neurotransmitters and fine-tuned every aspect for optimal performance.

You can rely on Nootopia’s brain formulas for the long term. And they work day in, day out. 

Thanks to recent breakthroughs, we now understand that mood, social behavior, focus and motivation are primarily influenced by brain chemistry. 

So with that critical information and these amazing upgrades, you can now access…

Hyper Focus On Demand:

Ultimate Focus®

Introducing our new, upgraded  formula to boost your focus, alertness, motivation and more. Naturally. 

What makes Ultimate Focus so powerful is…

  • A proprietary blend of Master molecules and neurochemicals
  • The ability of Ultimate Focus to work with your body, its systems and process to make life enhancing chemicals like dopamine more bioavailable
  • Natural and pure to provide smooth energy and focus without the awful after effects of common brain stimulants

What makes Ultimate Focus so powerful is…

  • A proprietary blend of Master molecules and neurochemicals
  • The ability of Ultimate Focus to work with your body, its systems and process to make life enhancing chemicals like dopamine more bioavailable
  • Natural and pure to provide smooth energy and focus without the awful after effects of common brain stimulants

This fortified formula in a capsule  takes advantage of the desire your body already has to create dopamine.

And it gives you the nutrients necessary to experience a higher level of motivation, pleasure, and focus…

But it also gives your body the ability to time-release that dopamine.  And that means you don’t crash when the effects subside. All without blunting your dopamine receptors.

Ultimate Focus gives your brain the tools it needs to produce dopamine naturally, and delivers that swift kick of motivation you need..

You feel like you can do anything… 

While also understanding what you’re really good at and actually capable of doing.

And this is all because…

Ready to Benefit from “The Multiplier Effect?

Beyond the molecules and ingredients, here’s one dynamic where the magic really happens. It’s called “The Multiplier Effect. And it works like this…

You combine two  or more elements  to create a stronger, overall effect. Think of it as  1 + 1 = 10. All of Mr Noots’s formulas use the principle of the Multiplier Effect  to maximize their potency and effectiveness in ways other ingredient blends could not.

You might have seen these ingredients before, but you’ve never tried them in this combination.  And that makes ALL the difference.

The Ultimate Blend of Natural Ingredients and Potency Levels for Consistent Alertness and Focus

I asked Mr. Noots to share why Ultimate Focus is right for you. Here is what he said…

“Ultimate Focus emphasizes natural precursors and signaling molecules that encourage the body and brain to create a steady flow of the key neurotransmitters needed to perform deep work and help eliminate distractions.”“Ultimate Focus emphasizes natural precursors and signaling molecules that encourage the body and brain to create a steady flow of the key neurotransmitters needed to perform deep work and help eliminate distractions.”

Here are the core (or, as Mr. Noots would say, “star ingredients”) of Ultimate Focus® and their benefits to your brain and body…

Benfotiamine can help increase thiamine (vitamin B1) levels. Thiamine is key to a healthy mind.[3] It also Improves cognitive function and oxidative damage, by enhancing focus and cognitive performance.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot produce.[4] A 2019 research review noted that B vitamins may help improve moods related to stress.[5]

This also supports mental clarity, energy, and focus by enhancing dopamine and serotonin levels while promoting wakefulness.[6]

And because this is a methylated form, it’s more bioavailable. It also supports the production of adrenaline and ATP.

Riboflavin, also known as Vitamin B2, helps protect your brain with increased metabolism and cognition. One study showed that riboflavin may help support mental wellbeing[7]

Supports cognitive function and energy metabolism, indirectly improving focus and mental alertness. Also a vital Co-factor in the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin.[8]

Folate (as L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate) is a more active and natural form of folate.[9] Folate (as L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate) is helpful for low moods.[10] Enhances cognitive function and mood by supporting neurotransmitter synthesis, improving focus and mental clarity.[11]

​​This regulates dopamine production, so you don’t get too much all at once. ​​Lipovit® D3 is the liposomal vitamin D3.[12] It’s been shown to boost brain function by strengthening memory and slowing the progression of cognitive decline[13]

It also Improves mood, cognitive clarity, and focus by supporting neurotransmitter balance. Enhances mental energy through dopamine and norepinephrine modulation.[14]

Liposovit® K2 is liposomal vitamin K2 that contributes to normal blood flow and the maintenance of healthy bones.[15] It has been shown to have brain-boosting and protective effects.[16]

It also improves cognitive performance and focus by supporting dopamine modulation, protecting neurons, and enhancing cognitive clarity and mental stamina.[17]

​​AmaTeaMax® comes from Guayusa (Ilex Guayusa), often called the Amazonian “super leaf” thanks to its unique caffeine content. It helps deliver bright, balanced, and uplifting energy.[18] Think of it as the lift without the jitters.

A key in boosting dopamine and flow for a smoother reaction without the hyper spike and crash from other stimulants.

Celastrus Paniculatus is an oil extract of a wild shrub native to India, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia.[19] This plant is also referred to as the “elixir of life” in traditional Ayurvedic medicine due to its supposed benefits to brain function.[20]

Enhances acetylcholine and dopamine activity. Improves cognitive function, memory, and attention. Increases wakefulness by modulating cholinergic and dopaminergic systems.[21]

Dynamine™ is a rapid-onset alkaloid used in products like pre-workouts, energy drinks, and brain optimization.[22]

It’s a natural extract and a dopamine signaling molecule that provides the base nutrients that produce dopamine. It increases focus, alertness, and cognitive function by enhancing dopamine signaling and blocking adenosine, resulting in sustained wakefulness without overstimulation.[23]

Pregnenolone is a neuro steroid hormone precursor to progesterone, DHEA, and estrogen. Your body makes it naturally through cholesterol. It can help improve cognitive function, particularly in promoting a clear brain and supporting memory. It has also been shown to help support mood regulation.[24]

It also increases energy and mood and enhances memory and focus. Modulation of GABA and NMDA systems contributes to alertness and cognitive function.[25]

PurCaf® Organic Caffeine as in caffeine from tea. It’s another form that works well on dopamine levels and stimulates adrenaline release. The energy boost is not a spike but a gentle lift 90-120 minutes after taking Ultimate Focus. It provides immediate energy and focus by blocking adenosine receptors and increasing norepinephrine and dopamine levels.[26]

Teacrine® is a unique, versatile, and well-researched ingredient that can enhance energy, focus, motivation, and overall performance without the negative side effects of stimulants. It is a popular addition to various sports nutrition, cognitive enhancement, and overall wellness products.[27]

Zynamite® is a natural and clean-label ingredient formulated to deliver mental and physical stimulation. It’s a mango leaf extract that modulates dopamine levels for a smooth flow through the synapses of your brain. It has been shown to support cognitive function and decision-making, speed up reaction time, and boost focus during cognitive task performance. It has also been shown to support memory.[28]

Theobromine is an alkaloid compound that has similar effects to caffeine. It has mood-boosting effects and has been shown to increase focus and concentration. Unlike caffeine, however, theobromine will not cause any jitters.[29]

It also provides sustained energy and focus by inhibiting fatigue signaling (via adenosine inhibition) while enhancing cognitive alertness through dopamine modulation.

This modulates stress response. Centrophenoxine increases the amount of acetylcholine activity in your brain. This improves short-term memory and cognition. Recent studies have also shown that centrophenoxine could protect the brain from day-to-day damage.[30]

It also boosts memory, attention, and wakefulness by enhancing cholinergic activity and oxidative stress in the brain.[31]

Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is often used to increase alertness, focus, and attention. You can get it from foods, but this acetylated version is more bioavailable. It makes dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and melanin. It also enhances mental performance under stress by increasing the synthesis of catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine), improving focus and cognitive resilience.[32]

CDP Choline increases levels of acetylcholine and dopamine in the brain by increasing dopamine receptor density. As a result, research has shown that CDP-Choline will improve cognitive function, increase blood flow to the brain, and boost memory and learning..[33]

Grape seed extract (GSE) is a dietary ingredient prepared by extracting, drying, and crushing grape seeds. GSE can improve blood flow, oxidative damage, improve bone strength, and support your brain as it ages.[34]

It also enhances mental energy, focus, and wakefulness by modulating catecholamine activity and oxidative stress. It also supports cardiovascular health.[35]

Coleus forskohlii Extract has been shown to enhance memory and learning by boosting cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) levels in the brain. It can also help improve mood and motivation.[36]

It also helps modulate adrenaline from flooding and helps dopamine signaling. And it enhances cognitive alertness and focus by increasing cAMP signaling, improving dopamine receptor sensitivity, and boosting energy levels.[37]

The primary active component of turmeric is turmeric. Turmeric can boost BDNF, and it shows some promise in treating low mood.[38] It improves focus and cognitive performance by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels.[39]

Stimulates energy and focus by activating norepinephrine and epinephrine release, improving cognitive sharpness and wakefulness.[40]

Ascorbic Acid is a form of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for overall health.[41] One study found an association between higher levels of vitamin C with improvements in activities requiring focus, memory, attention, and decision-making speed.[42]

Ascorbic Acid is a form of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for overall health.[41] It improves focus and wakefulness by supporting catecholamine synthesis (norepinephrine), oxidative stress, and improving brain function.[43]

Other benefits include enhancing neurotransmitters' metabolic action, supporting dopamine production, and is critical to thousands of metabolic processes.

Studies have shown that piperine, the primary “active” in black pepper, can help boost circulation and bring about a variety of brain benefits, from the overall improvement in functioning to mental health.[44]

It improves mental energy, focus, and mood by increasing the bioavailability of neurotransmitters and other ingredients.[45]

Guarana Seed Extract is a seed from the rainforest that has 2.5 times more caffeine by weight than coffee. Don’t worry about any jitters; we use just a tiny bit.

Guarana Seed Extract has been shown to improve brain performance. It’s especially useful when having to complete a mentally taxing task like a study session or presentation.[46]

It is also more dopamine-friendly than caffeine alone.

Say Goodbye to The Rush and The Crash and Hello to Improved Alertness and Performance



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Imagine..all the mental drive with none of the nasty aftereffects. Any wonder what you could accomplish? 

For example, you can easily overcome any resistance that might stop you from doing the work you need to do.

The communication between the 2 hemispheres of the brain is elevated , that is when you need to get into the zone and work…

The resistance crumbles away so you can complete your tasks with a sense of drive and passion rather than dread…

And make the most unenjoyable tasks (like doing your taxes), actually enjoyable.

Your Enhanced “Focus Lever” is Now Available and Repeatable

The magical component of getting into this state is that you can replicate it…

Because you're physically and neurologically able to recall that focus, motivation and inspiration…

And bring it back into action when you need it….

So that procrastination will be a thing of the past.

Your body will continue to have these precursors so you can continue to feel good.


You are Protected by the Strongest Guarantee in the Supplement Industry

If after trying our products you don't feel we are the BEST IN CLASS, we will refund your money (minus shipping and handling). PERIOD. We're THAT confident you'll love Ultimate Focus and that's why we give you 365 days to try them. You have nothing to lose so take advantage of this amazing deal today.

Shift  Brain Performance Into High Gear with Extended Mental Horsepower

It’s so much easier to complete tasks when you optimize the “Focus Lever.” 

Ultimate Focus is perfect for anyone who is trying to exceed to the next stage of performance in their job or occupation (i.e. executives, athletes, students, etc.).


It will have your brain firing at all cylinders to execute clarity with true confidence (not a false confidence) to perform at your very best. Consistently. 

Ultimate Focus  is super reliable to use over and over again anytime you want to:

  • Make magic happen
  • Be the star of the show
  • Dominate the front lines
  • Combat procrastination
  • And solve challenges in real time

The outcome?  Super positive.  Your work quality?  Exceedingly high when you feel great about the work you’re doing.

This formula unlocks your creativity and passion to actually perform well…

It only takes about 45 minutes to feel the effects…

And at 90 minutes, the effects peak. You can extend even longer by utilizing and triggering the effects with dopamine events.

(For example,  (a positive email, words of encouragement, any type of win, etc.).

Your Choice is Clear…

It’s your life and  you choose the decisions that shape it. You can choose to stay where you are and live in struggle.

Or you can choose a new path forward with a powerful mental performance breakthrough. The Ultimate Focus formula puts you on that new, brighter, healthier path. 

How does it work? Well,  it’s not something that kicks in eventually.  

Take it on a mostly empty stomach and you will feel its effects within an hour…or even less.  

You’ll feel and experience the  mental and emotional horsepower to break through work-oriented blocks. You’ll finally and enthusiastically attack tough work tasks you’ve put off in the past. 

So you can remain at the top, frictionlessly.  

Ultimate Focus will give you the path AND the horsepower to travel to each of the highest peaks without running out of energy or resources. Order yours today. And live the life you were meant to live. Transcending circumstances in life is within your grasp. Grab it today. 

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Matt Gallant, Bsc. Sc. Act/Kinesiologist

CEO/Co-Founder of BIOptimizers

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